What Is a Good Turn?
A Good Turn is a volunteered kind act of good deed. Boys must be encouraged to watch for things that need to be done, and then do them without being asked. More, boys must be trained and educated into the Good Turn Habit. They must be helped to see that doing a job which they are already supposed to do, even cheerfully , ought not be classed as doing a Good Turn. Performing the regular routine duties about the home is not a Good Turn. The Good Turn is a bigger finer thing–the Good Turn is really a philosophy of living, of which Service to others becomes the key. A good Turn is a volunteered kind act or deed. If you can stimulate a boy so that such actions become habitual, then you have made the Good Turn Philosophy work in his life. Such a process is a process of education, and will not be accomplished except by careful planning and by presenting the matter again and again under all sort of circumstances, and by yourself setting up and keeping in operation certain sorts of activities which will help the boy catch the idea and experience the thrill of the real Good Turn.
Kinds of Good Turns
Good Turns may be classed under different headings. Complying with the regulations and rules of the school and school grounds is doing one’s duty, and not a Good Turn. On the other hand the Scout who watches for things that need to be done, and volunteers his services to the janitor, teacher or principal, has rendered a real Good Turn.
Community Good Turns include picking up banana peels from sidewalks; removing broken glass and nails, etc., from streets; removing papers and boxes from sidewalks and highways; reporting street lamps not burning; garbage nuisances, etc., on streets is but doing one’s duty. and not a Good Turn.
Troop Good Turns mean going out of your way to help another Scout with his work, or helping him to live up to his Scout obligations. Going to another Patrol or Troop to help with signaling, first aid instruction or other Scout work, or the Scoutmaster with outside work regularly assigned, constitutes a fine Good Turn.
There are Church Good Turns, and Good Turn to Animals and National Good Turns and unlimited numbers of Individual Good Turns. Most boys do not wish to speak of their individual Good Turns. In this they should be encouraged.
Good Turns vary with every situation. We shall try to list and classify suggestions which may be helpful for your Troop. The important thing is to keep forever the Good Turn idea in all of your own thinking and planning, giving it definite place and time. Otherwise it will soon drift into a mere superficiality and do more harm than good. Avoid any reward for Good Turns. Say to your boys:
“Just do something to help the other fellow, and the joy of the service well done will be its own reward.”
So you see the Good Turn habit has no end of avenues down which it may go. There is scarcely a day or an hour, an event or a situation where there is not an opportunity to do a Good Turn. The point is that boys must be trained to see these opportunities and to take real joy in making the most of the opportunity.
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